Data theft, virus attack, or the action of hackers who break into a site may be used, and probably always will happen. But there are some new attack mode to watch.
According to Symantec's predictions, there is some mode of attack that might occur in 2012, among others, the attack on the enterprise.
No doubt if hackers are targeting a particular industry as a target. The dataare taken instead of playing games, which can be highly confidential, such as the firm's business plan. It is said that this type of data such as fairlytraded in the community selling 'underground'.
The prediction was strengthened by the discovery of the Duqu virus, which is designed to steal important company data. And it is not impossible, if the 2012 will be circulated back to the variant virus like this.
The next threat threaten smartphone users. Based on data from Gartner,smartphone sales will reach 361 million units by the end of 2011, far exceeding the sales of PCs in the same period.
The number of smartphone users is so large that are then used as the next target of the virtual dedemit to take advantage, for example, to spy onusers, steal data, and even stole a number of dollars through premium SMS.
Action movement underground hackers are now also increasingly raged.According to Symantec data, assaults committed by a group of hackersnow have a definite purpose that led to business affairs.
The target is usually a large company that already has 2,500 employees,with a total assault as much as 36.7% per day throughout 2011. While thecompany under attack it only gets 11.6% in the same period.
Well, besides that, the hackers also predicted to be the harder to launch anattack through the popularity of social media, like Facebook.
"The action together, usually with phishing mode. Then there is anothermode which propagate through shortener url link, this is difficult to avoid,because we do not know where the link is referring to," said Raymond Goh,Symantec's Director of System Engineering.
Hacker's actions as if no end, and again the unsuspecting users will become victims. To avoid this you should be more vigilant by not installingany application, open a site that is not clear, and fence off the system withthe latest patches or specific applications from third parties.
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